Harbour Georges River District Group |
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The Harbour Georges River (formerly East Hills) Group of the Australian Plant Society is an enthusiastic group of people, dedicated to growing and promoting Australian native plants. Our members come from a wide area including the Local Government Areas of Canterbury–Bankstown, Georges River, Bayside, Inner West, Strathfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, City of Sydney, Woollahra, Waverley and Randwick. However, you don’t need to live in this area to join the group. Our meetings and activities
We hold regular meetings and events which are a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests - some with extensive knowledge and others just starting out! - but all with the common interest of learning more about Australian Plants. Visitors and new members are always welcome... Our theme for 2024 is "Increasing knowledge of plants that grow in our patch". We will be gathering and collating species lists from various sources and distinguishing indigenous species from non-indigenous plants that grow well in current conditions. Meetings and events are held monthly, at the beginning of the month. Some meetings are presentations, held via Zoom and recorded, for those who are unable to attend at the time. The link is published in our newsletter & on our Facebook group site. Please contact us if you need access. Other meetings are held at open air venues such as gardens or bush areas, with a picnic lunch or tea. These are held on weekends when possible. For the moment, they will be BYO events. Again they are publicised in the newsletter and on Facebook. In case of bad weather, we will have a Zoom meeting as an alternative. Next Event: When: Saturday 14 September 10am - 3pm HGR hosting APS NSW Q3 Gathering Oatley Uniting Church, Cnr Letitia St & Frederick St Oatley NSW 2223 10am - 12 noon Choice of 2 guided tours: 1. Sylvan Grove Native Garden 2. Oatley Park 12-1 Lunch - byo 1-2pm - Presentation The Wonderful World of Wattles by Rhonda Daniels **HGR is hosting the gathering so we would greatly appreciate your contributions of food and assistance for the afternoon tea** VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME If you are joining us, please notify Liz Cameron (HGR Secretary) on elsmere02@gmail.com or ph: 9580 6621
VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Check our Facebook Group for more information HGR Facebook Group To find out more, see here.
To join the Australian Plants Society, please see here. Last updated January 2022 |