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Menai Wildflower Group


Upcoming activities - 2023

 Date Event

Saturday 8th March 



Saturday 8th February



Saturday 14th December 


MWG end of year celebration barbecue

The committee would like to invite you to our end of year gathering.

Photo: Annie Ha Le


Location: Illawong Rural Fire Station

What to bringyour own plates, cups and cutlery, drink and anything you would like to barbeque. Something to share would also be appreciated.

Our native garden will be open

Friends and family are welcome!

Saturday 9th November 



Sunday 15th September  

10am to 2pm

Bushcare Fair


Parc Menai, opposite Menai shopping centre 

MWG is participating in the Bushcare Fair run by the Sutherland Shire Council Bushcare Unit. MWG will be having a marquee with plants for sale. We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday 14th September  


APS NSW Gathering


Oatley Uniting Church, Corner of Letitia St &, Frederick St, Oatley 

We will be joining APS NSW for their Quarterly Gathering hosted by Harbour Georges River Group. The Gathering will involve:

- Guided walks at Sylvan Grove Native Garden at Picnic Point and Oatley Park 

- BYO lunch at Oatley Uniting Church Hall

- A presentation on the Wonderful World of Wattles by Rhonda Daniels.

- Plant sales 

More details at: 

APS NSW Quarterly Gathering

7th & 8th


14th & 15th September  


Plant sales at the Grevillea Park Open days 


Illawara Grevillea Park, Princes Hwy, Bulli NSW 2516

More details at: Illawara Grevillea Park

Saturday 13th July - 1:30pm   
Saturday 8th June - 2pm   
 Saturday 11th May - 2pm  
Saturday 13th April - 2pm  
Saturday 16th March - 9am 

BUSHWALK: Loop track around Saltpan Creek

This is a 5 km low grade walk as there is little in the way of hills. It is largely on flat ground or boardwalks around and through the mangroves. There is often some interesting birds to be seen. Much of it is undercover but there is a stretch on a treeless dirt road. Bring morning tea, water, hat and walking shoes.

Meeting at the end of Stuart St Padstow at 9am

Please contact Lloyd 0400 431 216 if you wish to join the walk.


 9 March - 2pm  

 2 March -

10am to 1pm

Photo (left): Lloyd Hedges

Photo (right): ABC Gardening Australia 

 10 February - 2pm  

Monthly meetings

We hold meetings at 2:00pm on the second Saturday of each month (except December and January) at the Illawong Rural Fire Station, Old Illawarra Road, Illawong (see map below). 

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Highlights include:

  • Plant sales 
  • Plant raffles
  • Show table where cuttings brought in by members are identified and discussed.
  • Guest speakers - covering a range of aspects of the environment, natural history, and of course native plants.
  • Guided walks around our native garden.
  • Afternoon tea

Upcoming monthly meetings - 2023

New members and visitors are always welcome. We would love you to join us and ask that you review this page regularly for it is possible changes may have to be made from time to time.

All meetings are held at the Illawong Fire Station.  Meetings are on the second Saturday of each month at 2pm.

 Date Event
 March 2025 The Wategora Reserve - by Thomas Mesaglio
 February 2025Open Plant Discussion Forum 
January 2024
There will be no meeting, the next gathering will be in February 2024
10th February WA Wildflowers Holiday - by Rhonda Jackson
9th March  Edible Natives - by Narelle Happ
13th April 

Eastern Suburbs: Harbourside Plants and Parks - by Greg Potter

 11th May  The Great Glossie Nest Hunt - by Beth Mott
 8th June Street Trees -by Rhonda Daniels
 September 2024There will be no meeting at the RFS
 9th November  Native flower arrangements - by Helen Patience

Propagating at the native garden and nurseries

We undertake propagating two days a week:

Every Monday morning: at the Tip Nursery in Lucas Heights Resource Recovery Park - Little Forest Rd, Lucas Heights NSW 2234 

Every Tuesday morning from 9:30am: at the Illawong Rural Fire Station (IRFS) Compound Nursery - 999N Old Illawarra Rd, Illawong NSW 2234

Everyone is welcome to attend and no prior training is required. Contact Lloyd Hedges 0400 431 216 for more information. 

Map of Illawong Rural Fire Station

Other activities

We also:

  • Go on regular bushwalks in the greater Sydney area and further afield
  • Participate in events such as the Grevillea Park Open Days and the RAS (Royal Easter Show) cutflower exhibition.
  • Assist schools and community groups by supplying plants and expertise with bush regeneration and education programmes.
  • Provide native plants to conservation projects such as "Glossies in the Mist", "Five Islands Seabird Habitat Restoration Project" and more. 

Other APS groups close by

We often join with two other local groups close by for presentations and walks. 

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