Be responsible for my own wellbeing and safety and the safety of those around me
Know my responsibilities as DG leader and lead by example (review the Health and safety policy and procedures - link above)
Have a safety action plan to address any gaps at a DG level
Talk about safety at meetings, consult with members and share safety information
Know the risks of any activities we have as a group and minimise or eliminate risks - maintain a risk register and feed risks into state-wide risk register
Ensure activity leaders do risk plans prior to any activities and brief people on the risks prior to the activity
Clarify reporting requirements in the group for anyincidents or injuries and investigate what happened for improvement
Clarify and communicate emergency procedures to members and visitors
Ensure training and induction is done for any volunteer roles. See the draft induction/safety training here
Ensure adequate first aid kits available and determine need for first aiders in your group (approx ratio - 1 first aider to 30 people in remote area, 1 in 50 for sedentary activities) as well as know the nearest medical centre
Replace any unsafe equipment or gear
Ensure safety procedures are followed
Check for usage of hazardous chemicals and ensure appropriate processes followed (see WHS Policy and Procedures)
As the State office/board member
For any activities run by state office, follow the procedures as outlined to the left for District Group Committees
Share safety information on the website and eNews
Maintain state wide risk register
Maintain state wide injuries register
Maintain state wide training register
Develop and implement training and induction for volunteers and members
Support groups with resources eg first aid kits, training first aiders, any safety gear
Maintain insurance
Regularly check that procedures are being followed