In Our Garden No.1
I decided a little while ago that I would start a series of articles for people who would like to have a native garden but are a little sceptical/scared because of stories they have heard over the years. You know what I mean – oh they don’t grow here, I bought some but as soon as I put them in they died…etc.
Well my intention was to start with some garden plants that grow just about anywhere and when in flower are simply quite stunning – like grevilleas, hakeas, prostantheras etc.
As soon as I put pen to paper though, and as I was wandering through my shade-house, I decided I should write the first article on native orchids – and here again I’m talking about ones that are easy to grow and maintain.
The reason for this change of heart is because over the past month or so I have so many out in flower. The flowering season is usually late Winter/early Spring but every grower I speak to has had flowers out right through Summer. Even growers of exotic orchids are reporting the same. Very odd.
But who cares, it’s great to see not only strong new growth, which is normal at this time of the year, but some lovely flowers.
This being the case I think it’s appropriate to show you what I mean rather than me waffle on.
So here’s a handful of orchids in flower right now –
As it’s possible your knowledge of native orchids is somewhat limited I don’t think naming them here will help. So I’ve refrained from doing that – just look at the colours and the number of blooms and the way they just invite you in – not just to look at but to look into them.
So there you have it. Now you know what a small group of native orchids look like we can start progressing into what they are and how you grow them without breaking either your bank balance or your back.
But you’ll have to wait a while before we get to that because now I would like to start you thinking about garden plants that are magnificent, flower year round and are easy to maintain.

Graeme D