The Parramatta Hills district group of APS NSW hosts this one day event, to be held across two venues.
10am - 12noon visit to Boongala Native Gardens and Rainforest
This is an 11 acre property in Kenthurst with extensive gardens developed over many years by Mal and Jenny Johnston. The property also includes a lush rainforest, which has matured over the past 25 years. A visit to Boongala reveals a wide range of Australian plants, wildflowers and the birdlife they attract. A large range of native plants are for sale.
further information here
12-1 pm lunch
Bring your own lunch to enjoy at either the Boongala Gardens or the Gumnut Community Centre, where plants will also be for sale.
Please note that parking is limited at Gumnut Community Hall. so please park in Gumnut Road.
Note: Boongala Gardens is a 30 minute drive from the Gumnut Community Centre.
1-1.30 pm APS NSW Ltd Annual General Meeting
The APS NSW Annual General Meeting will be held 1.00 - 1.30pm, Saturday, 21 May 2022 at Gumnut Community Centre, Gumnut Place, Cherrybrook, 2126
Here is the agenda for the meeting including the minutes from the previous AGM.
Annual Report
The 2021 Annual Report is located on our website, in the About Us>Governance section.
We'd like to direct your attention to the District Group activities of the Annual Report - this is wonderful reading and a credit to the energy and dedication of the groups.
If you would like to send your apologies, please email:
Please send any financial questions to us by Wednesday, 18 May, and we will provide responses at the AGM.
Life memberships and Conservation award
Nomination/s will be announced at the AGM.
Nominations for board positions
We welcome new members on the board to assist with the strategic and operational activities of running our organisation. If you'd like to consider being on the board or wish to nominate someone to join the Board (or Council as it is officially termed), please contact Heather Miles, President, to discuss what's involved. This form needs to be completed and returned by Friday, 6 May 2022.
Proxy voting
If you cannot attend the AGM, and would like to nominate a proxy for your vote, please complete and return this Proxy form, which can be found here by Friday, 6 May 2022 to
Alternatively (if you don't have a printer or the technology), please send an email to the saying:
"I, (your name) of (your address) nominate (person's name or President) to be my proxy at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 21 May 2022.
Signed (your name) and (date)".
You can specify resolutions you'd like to vote for or against, by using the wording as shown on the form above.
1.40-2.30 pm Presentation by Peter Olde, OAM - Grevilleas for small gardens
Peter is a recognised world authority on grevilleas, a life member of APS NSW, a recipient of the ANPSA Australian Plants award, and co-author of a number of books on the genus.
2.35 pm Afternoon tea, pls bring your own cup
Kindly provided by the Parramatta Hills district group, the hosts of the meeting.
Please bring your own cup.
adults $3
children Free
Guided rainforest and bush tucker tour @ 11am
adults $5
children free
Meeting & talk
Pay by card - hygienic, secure, no fees. All cards welcome.
members $5
non members $10
The entry fee covers hall hire, afternoon tea, etc.
We will abide by NSW Government Health Department regulations in place for all events and meetings. We strongly recommend that people be up-to-date with vaccinations for their protection and the protection of others.