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Northern Beaches - Meeting & talk: What is the Australian Bugle?

  • 2 Jun 2022
  • 7:15 PM (AEST)
  • The Corkery Building, Stony Range Regional Botanic Garden, 810 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why

Trevor C Wilson from the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney presents What is the Australian Bugle? - long awaited scientific progress for an untrumpeted flower of the southern hemisphere.

Trevor’s research interests lie in understanding the fundamentals of the earth and its organisms, such as how we classify and communicate what we observe and identifying the processes that create them. This is encapsulated by such terms as evolutionary biology, systematics, biogeography and taxonomy, all of which have been applied by Trevor across major plant groups such as the Bryophytes, Conifers and flowering plants ever since he began his research career in Canada. In his current position as an ABRS (Australian Biological Resources Study) postdoctoral fellow, Trevor studies the mint family (Lamiaceae), one of the largest vascular plant families that consists of a great number of economically valuable plants. The mint family is well-represented in Australia, but the group needs significant attention regarding the knowledge of its biodiversity, identification and conservation.

Trevor has generously addressed the Northern Beaches group several times before.

7.15 A minor plant family, presented by a group member

7.30 Talk

Small venue - numbers limited.

Vaccination essential and masks recommended.

Ajuga trip Barrington Tops, March 2021. Photo supplied.

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