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Northern Beaches - Meeting & talk: Huntsman spiders + spider Q&A

  • 6 Apr 2023
  • 7:15 PM (AEST)
  • The Corkery Building, Stony Range Regional Botanic Garden, 810 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why

Helen Smith, Technical Officer in Arachnology at the Australian Museum in Sydney, will speak on this fascinating topic.

Many of us encounter huntsman spiders as we go about our daily lives. Their turn of speed and agility are impressive but can also be a bit scary. Spiders are important pest controllers in our gardens, so keeping cool when you have a surprise meeting with a particularly large one is a useful skill to ensure the safety of both parties.

Knowledge can help us to temper our natural fear and instead encourage enquiry and respect, so let us take a closer look at huntsman spiders. What makes a huntsman a huntsman, and how can they apparently defy gravity to run up smooth glass? How many different kinds of huntsman spiders are there in the Sydney area? What do they feed on and how do they grow? How can you relocate one without hurting either of you?

Answering public enquiries is a regular part of Helen's job. While the first part of the talk will focus on our hairy huntsman friends, it will finish with a more general Q & A on spiders.

Participants may send photos in advance to assist with their questions from the floor on the night.


All welcome.

Email photos & enquiries to

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