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North Shore - Walk: Bobbin Head track

  • 15 Jul 2023
  • 10:00 AM
  • see details & meeting place
The track starts at the North Turramurra Kuring-gai National Park gate and follows an old unsealed road for 5 kilometres downhill to finish at Bobbin Head. The group enjoyed this walk in July in 2020 also but then were tip-toeing around Covid restrictions. For the first half, the track is fairly level and passes through interesting open, low forest and includes some Aboriginal rock engravings. It then starts to descend, not too steeply, via some switchbacks and passes through taller different attractive forest. Views of the river are obtained just before the last couple of hundred metres which are a steeper rocky bush track that finishes at water level near the Empire Marina where refreshments can be purchased if desired or at the Bobbin Inn if it has re-opened by then (currently closed).

We will have left a car or two at Bobbin Head before the walk so that walkers can get a lift back up to the starting point. The time taken for the walk will be 2-3 hours, allowing time for plant ID and photography. As usual, the pace will not be fast.

By July, the Boronia ledifolia should be putting on a good show and we can also expect to see other species flowering at this time. We will encounter at least 2 rarer plants Haloragodendron lucasii, which is classed as endangered, and Darwinia biflora, which is classed as vulnerable.

Meet near the entry to Kuring-gai NP at North Turramurra. Park outside if you do not have a National Parks Pass or just inside if you do. NB. We don’t take the Sphinx Track.

What to bring - Good walking shoes, hat, sunscreen, plant ID book? Water, snacks, lunch if you prefer to BYO, money for coffee if desired, wet weather gear if needed, walking pole(s) if needed for the rubbly parts of the track.

RSVP Sue Fredrickson ph. 0401362921. NB. Please either phone or email before Saturday 15th to book in, providing your name, phone number, emergency contact phone number and car rego.

If the weather is bad on the day please phone to see if the walk will go ahead.

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