Parramatta Hills APS is excited to host a talk featuring local Koala advocate Pat Schwartz from the Hills Hornsby Rural Koala Project (HHRKP). Pat will share valuable insights into the ongoing efforts to protect and support local koala populations.
Attendees will learn how to best locate a koala in the wild. While you might spot one curled up in the fork of a tree or wandering along a track, you could also find evidence of their presence through scat beneath local habitat trees. But—can you tell the difference between koala scat and that of a brushtail possum?
Do you know which trees koalas prefer as their habitat?
Join us as we explore these questions and delve into koala habitat requirements. Discover how thermal drones have verified koala populations in both The Hills and Hornsby Shires, offering new insights into their local distribution.
By learning more, we can support HHRKP in locating koalas during bush outings, helping protect these valuable habitats and the biodiversity they sustain.
Community involvement is crucial in our mission to have the local Hills and Hornsby koala populations recognised and safeguarded for the future.
Visitors are welcome! The meeting includes afternoon tea and plant sales.
Contact: Secretary at
P.O. Box 263 Cremorne Junction NSW 2090
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